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Our People

Vivian Dubrovin; Managing Director, Senior Editor, Author, and Storytelling Expert.

Storytelling doll puppet
© Vivian Dubrovin
Vivian Dubrovin provides ideas, direction and inspiration. (In other words, she pulls the strings around here!) She's the storyteller… as she has been for most of her life. As a child she wrote a school play that was then performed annually even after she graduated. She studied journalism in college, then became interested in children's books while reading to her five kids, and wrote stories that were published in children's magazines. Her first published books were two remedial reading series of books to help children who have difficulty learning to read. After publishing several other books and directing children's writers' conferences to teach others how to write for kids, she turned to helping kids themselves create and tell their own stories, and created Storycraft Publishing.

One of the best ways to learn about a person is from her own words, and you can learn what Vivian herself says, over in the Loft. You can also learn more at her LinkedIn site and in a biography series called “Something About the Author” available in libraries or online. Meanwhile, if you want just plain facts, here's a general description of some of her activities, then a list of some of her publishing credits and notable achievements:

As a Publisher (Books, Quarterly Periodical, Online Website)

  • 1993, Created Storycraft Publishing, which has published seven print books and six ebooks.
  • 1996, Started The Kids' Storytelling Club ( providing online help for kids.
  • 1994-2010, Edited and published Junior Storyteller four times a year.

As an Instructor/Director (University Classes, Workshops, Classrooms, Conferences)

  • Taught university continuing education classes for teachers, on helping kids create stories
  • Taught teacher workshops, on how to teach kid's composition and publishing
  • Helped kids learn writing, crafts, and storytelling; as guest speaker in schools and library visits, and as a consultant for school writing projects
  • Directed many writer's conferences, and lectured often at professional writer's workshops, on writing for children, and on independent publishing

As an Author (Books and Magazines)

  • Authored more than twenty books for children, nonfiction and fiction, with subjects ranging from storytelling, writing, and career education, to kids sports, and fantasy.
  • Authored fiction and nonfiction articles and stories for children's publications and education magazines.
  • For adults, wrote nonfiction articles for magazines and a computer instruction book.

Publishing Credits

Books by Vivian Dubrovin
  • Birthday Lights: Bright Stories to Spark Your Imagination, co-author, ebook, Storycraft, 2017.
  • Discover Bright Fantasy: And Begin Telling Your Own Stories, co-author, ebook, Storycraft, 2013.
  • Family Stories, ebook, Storycraft, 2012.
  • Easy Beginner Tales, ebook, Storycraft, 2011.
  • Finding Fun in Storytelling, ebook, Storycraft, 2010.
  • Storytelling Discoveries: Favorite Activities for Young Tellers, co-author, Storycraft Publishing, 2002.
  • Tradin' Tales with Grandpa: A Kid's Guide for Intergenerational Storytelling, Storycraft Publishing, 2000.
  • Storytelling Adventures: Stories Kids Can Tell, Storycraft Publishing, 1997.
  • Create Your Own Storytelling Stories, Storycraft Publishing, 1995.
  • Storytelling For The Fun Of It: A Handbook for Children, Storycraft Publishing, 1994. Revised Edition, 1999.
  • The ABC's of The New Print Shop, Sybex, 1990
  • Guide to Alternative Education and Training, Franklin Watts, 1988
  • Creative Word Processing, Franklin Watts, 1987
  • Running A School Newspaper, Franklin Watts, 1985
  • Write Your Own Story, Franklin Watts, 1984
  • SADDLE UP! series, EMC Corp., 1975
    • A Better Bit And Bridle
    • A Chance To Win
    • Open The Gate
    • Trailering Troubles
  • SUMMER FUN/WINTER FUN series, EMC Corp., 1974
    • Baseball Just For Fun
    • Rescue On Skis
    • The Magic Bowling Ball
    • The Track Trophy

Magazine Articles and Stories:
“Organizing Junior Storyteller Clubs,” Storytelling Magazine; “Puppet Master” and “Master Dollmaker,” Heath Literacy Program; Storytelling instruction projects (fiction stories, crafts, nonfiction articles), Junior Storyteller; Many fiction stories such as “The Magic Clarinet,” and others in publications such as Highlights.

Instructor of Courses and Workshops

  • University Continuing Education Classes For Teachers (University of Northern Colorado)
  • “Helping Children Write Short Stories” and “Helping Children Become Storytellers”
  • Teacher Workshops: “Teaching Composition Through Word Processing”, “Desktop Publishing With Children”, “Creating Classroom Newspapers”, “Classroom Publishing”

Professional Organizations

  • SCBWI: Rocky Mountain Chapter of Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators; past Regional Advisor (RA), past president and vice president, and a charter member
  • Pen Women: National League of American Pen Women, past branch and state president
  • NSN: National Storytelling Network (NSN); past Colorado State Liaison

Education and Past Employment
University of Illinois (Journalism degree)
Editor and staff writer for trade publications, printing and publishing companies

WHEW! She's been busy, and there's more! With all that, what's left to do? Vivian is now adapting storytelling advice to modern-day situations. If you want to know what she's doing next, you'll find it here, at The Kids' Storytelling Club!

Other Regular Contributors:

Storytelling doll puppet
        © B Dubrovin
Barbara Dubrovin; author, illustrator, layout and design assistant
An author and artist, Barbara sometimes assists Vivian organizing ideas into books. As an artist and illustrator Barbara uses a variety of media, including colored pencil, pastel, watercolor, ink, and collage, and has exhibited in art shows. As an author she especially enjoys bright fantasy and science fiction. She is author or co-author and illustrator of: Birthday Lights: Bright Stories to Spark Your Imagination; Discover Bright Fantasy: And Begin Telling Your Own Stories; An Afternoon at Fantasy Fair; Fantasy Fair: Bright Stories of Imagination, Storytelling Discoveries: Favorite Activities for Young Tellers. All published by Storycraft. She has also contributed to Junior Storyteller, and The Kids' Storytelling Club. Co-Winner of Moonbeam Children's Book Award, Parents' Choice Recommended Award, Creative Child Magazine Preferred Choice Award.

Guest Artists, Authors, Storytellers

Storytelling doll puppet
Through the years, The Kids' Storytelling Club has enjoyed contributions from a variety of professional artists, authors, and storytellers. You can learn more about any new guests as they arrive in our Visitors' Lounge.
Bobbi Shupe; Our Featured Guest Artist
Bobbi is a professional fine artist, and is the creator of our storytelling dragons. You can learn more about Bobbi in our Visitors' Lounge.

Webmaster and Technical Advisor
Ken's Korner: for any technical questions or technology assistance and advice, Ken keeps Storycraft connected in the modern world, enabling Vivian to continue to help kids tell stories.

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